• A Hobbit a Wardrobe and a Great war



Providence: 1919: Wilson, the Covenant, and the Improbable League


From a window in the Hall of Mirrors at the Versailles Palace, the view of its famed gardens and fountains is a welcome reward for negotiating the crush of tourists throughout the palace chambers.

National Review: Mussolini and the End of Liberal Democracy


With the centennial of the Versailles Treaty approaching, let’s remember who the real progenitor of Fascism was.

National Review: Tolkien Film Fails to Capture the Majesty of His Achievement


The central mystery that the biopic cannot penetrate is a belief in the sudden act of grace.

National Review: John Lennox, The Oxford Mathematics Professor Who Defends Christianity


In his view, religious belief is entirely compatible with the scientific quest.

National Interest: The War over Liberal Democracy


The Catholic medieval project, for all its achievements, ultimately failed to uphold one of the most transformative ideas of the Jewish and Christian traditions: the freedom and dignity of every human soul.

Weekly Standard: Tolkien, Lewis, and the Lessons of World War I


How J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis defied the spirit of the age.

Wall Street Journal: What World War I taught the Clergy


‘A terrified and angry pacifism,’ C.S. Lewis wrote, ‘is one of the roads that lead to war.’

National Review: The Maker of Middle-earth, in Gorgeous Detail


A traveling exhibit displays the most thorough collection in years of Tolkien’s wide-ranging creative gifts.

CNN: Pope Changes Death Penalty Doctrine


Last night I joined CNN’s SE Cupp to discuss Pope Francis’s new doctrine on the death penalty.

Weekly Standard: Chinese intimidation comes to Benedict Rogers’s mailbox


The British human rights advocate has worked to hold China accountable as the regime reaches “well beyond its borders to silence critics,” he says.