• A Hobbit a Wardrobe and a Great war



National Review: The West Is Abandoning Its Free-Speech Legacy


Look to Venice, once the publishing center of the world, for an early example of vigorous open discourse now being pushed aside in Europe and elsewhere.

National Review: A Founding Father’s Stirring Condemnation of Slavery


To Benjamin Rush, if liberty and equality were the birthright of every human soul, then slavery must be the enemy of the American Revolution. 

The American Spectator: A Frail President in a Hostile World


Biden’s frailty harkens back to the 1945 Yalta Conference, where the sick and feeble Roosevelt was no match for Stalin.

National Review: A Christian Prophet’s Unheeded Warning to the Academy


Lessons from one observer of campus chaos decades ago ring even truer today.

National Affairs: Locke, Virtue, and a Liberal Education


Following the Boston Massacre in March 1770, the Massachusetts lawyer and patriot Josiah Quincy, Jr., joined John Adams in defending the British soldiers involved.

National Review: When the United Nations Actually Stood for Something Good


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed 75 years ago today, issued a bold challenge to the Soviet Union and all tyrannies. That challenge stands.

Wall Street Journal: ‘The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien’ Review: Notes From Middle-earth


On Sept. 15, 1939, two weeks after Nazi Germany invaded Poland, triggering World War II, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote to his publisher to explain why he didn’t expect to make much progress on his new story about hobbits.

National Review: For Wisdom about the Jews and Civilization, Consult Albert Einstein


Ninety years ago, one of the greatest minds in history defended the Western heritage and explained how Jews contributed to it.

Law & Liberty: A New Beachhead for Western Civilization


At New College, students are again learning to value and perpetuate the Western tradition.

National Review: The Decline of the King’s College Reflects Western Civilizational Decay


Even conservatives and Christians are failing to appreciate the importance of cultural transmission.